DNP QW410 Drivers – With a good print quality, DNP photo printer is also equipped with print speed which is also quite high. For DNP QW410 It is able to print documents with a photo full of 4 × 6 inches, with a time of 8.9 seconds in full-speed mode and takes up to 11.7 seconds with full-resolution mode. For DNP QW410 It is able to print documents with a photo full of 8 × 10 inches, with a time of 30.2 seconds in full-speed mode and takes up to 40.2 seconds with full-resolution mode. The QW410 is capable of printing documents with a photo full of 4 × 6 inches in size, with only 15 seconds in full-speed mode and takes 20 seconds in full-resolution mode.
With a fairly high speed and good print quality, it does not necessarily make the print costs to swell or Ikut-ikutan high. Precisely the printing cost for printers in its class can be low or cheap. Note that different types of printers are different, as are the results and the speed of the print. The more expensive the printing cost, the better the quality of the print results.